‘No Farewell’ won the 1993 BC Hope Writer’s Guild Poetry Contest and can be found in Rhapsody 2015, Vocamus Press, Guelph


No Farewell 



Once upon a life

I sailed from Kiparissia

its craggy mountaintops

like thorns

in my bleeding heart

the waves of the sea

beckoning me

with their incessant slaps

against the prow

of my little boat


Sixteen I was

a girl still

but yet a woman

under the hot

greedy hands

of  Michaelis

a cousin twice removed

on my mother's side

who taught me

where love pulses

in the heat of my belly


A girl I was

and he a man

whose eager breath

awakened flames

in my soft wet flesh

whose wanting mouth

opened gaping wounds

upon my pulsing throat

until my mother found us

and ordered me

to go and live

the dry life of repentance

in far away America


From Kiparissia I sailed

with tears as salty

as salty as the moving sea

and Michaelis

receding on the shore


His red kerchief

in my flailing hand

was torn by the wind

and landed

on the dark waters

where it stayed

and swayed


to bid

a last adieu